Senin, 22 Februari 2010

101 tips diet

Diet Tips for Fast Weight Loss

Here are 101 diet tips for fast fat loss and fast weight loss. It is far more important to lose fat than lose weight. Body weight should consist of less than approximately 20% body fat. During a fast weight loss diet, if it is not done correctly it can reduce muscle mass, especially if you are trying to lose weight fast. Muscle burns fat even during rest periods so it is obviously a good thing to maintain muscle while trying to lose weight. Fast diets and quick weight loss can cause you to lose muscle as well as lose pounds. That is why it is important to supplement with high quality protein to avoid muscle loss during a quick diet / fast diet.

These tips for diet are general recommendations as everyone is different and responds differently to weight loss diets based on age, gender, genetics, health, medications and a multitude of other factors. As always, check with your doctor before making any radical changes to your diet plan and “listen” to what your body tells you. Generally you do not want to lose fat at a rate of much more than 3 pounds a week. Toxins are stored in your body fat and by losing fat fast, you are overloading your body’s detoxification mechanisms – liver, kidneys, skin, bowels, lymph and other systems. The rest of your body suffers through the elevated toxins also – brain, organs, blood so it is best to go at it slow and steady and drink plenty of water. If you feel ill from the toxins from a weight loss diet, slow it down.
Basic Principals for Healthy Weight Loss are:

* Slightly reduced caloric intake
* Exercise to burn calories and increase metabolism
* Healthy foods – plenty of fiber, fruits, vegetables, quality protein
* Eating several smaller meals rather than one or more large meals
* Adequate sleep
* One or more bowel movements a day
* Approximately 1/2 oz water per pound of body weight per day

101 Diet Tips to Lose Pounds

* Don’t eat if you are not hungry – out of stress, habit, emotional need…
* Avoid all sodas, especially diet sodas – empty calories and chemicals
* Eat to live, don’t live to eat
* Avoid fast food, junk food, any food without nutrition
* Eat negative calorie foods – celery, apples… more calories to digest than consumed
* Drink at least half an once of water per pound of body weight per day
* Eat breakfast, high protein – most important meal of the day
* Don’t drink much liquids with meals – it dilutes stomach acids for digestion
* Eat slowly, let your stomach catch up to your hunger (20 minute lag)
* Chew food thoroughly for better digestion and assimilation
* Add healthy foods to your diet – more fruits and vegetables
* Remove unhealthy snacks and deserts from your diet
* Do not eat for at least 3 hours before bed
* Eat smaller portions, more meals if needed
* Avoid night time snacks
* Instead of skipping a meal, drink a protein or “greens” shake
* Visualize yourself being at your ideal weight / body shape
* Avoid soy products unless fermented – unnatural and raises estrogen levels
* Whey protein instead of soy protein drinks
* Spice up your foods – increases saliva and blood flow
* Sea salt / crystal salt – replace your sodium chloride chemical salt
* Stock healthy convenience foods – nuts, yogurt, kefir, fruits…
* Eat raw fruits and vegetables – cooking kills healthy enzymes
* Eat food in season locally
* Eat organic when possible
* Avoid processed foods – generally in a bag, box or can
* Go easy on simple carbs – high glycemic foods cause insulin spikes
* Don’t supersize
* Exercise / be physically active, walk, take stairs not elevators…
* Eat at the table – not at computer or watching TV
* When eating, focus on eating, not random thoughts
* Buy only healthy foods when food shopping or eating out
* Avoid fake fats – margarine, miracle whip – eat butter and mayonnaise
* Avoid fake sugars – aspartame, Nutrisweet, Sweet and Low…
* Avoid unhealthy Omega-6 oils – corn, sunflower, canola, soybean, peanut and safflower
* Use healthy oils – olive oil, coconut oil
* Limit white sugar, flour, bread, rice – nutrition has been stripped away
* Reduce stress – causes the hormone cortisol to be released (stores fat)
* Be happy – does not interfere with healthy bodily processes
* Be aware of eating triggers – stress, conflict, bad relationships, self worth
* Chart your weight loss weekly
* Don’t skip meals – have a meal replacement shake if necessary
* Don’t go into a meal starving – light snack before hand
* Get a full nights sleep
* Watch alcohol intake – mostly empty calories
* Boost your metabolism – get adequate iodine or iodide for your thyroid
* Consume plenty of fiber to aid digestion and elimination
* Use a smaller plate / smaller portions
* Avoid pasteurized and/or homogenized milk – no longer natural
* Eat eggs – perfect protein, Omega 3s…
* Smoothies with yogurt and/or kefir and fruits or frozen fruits
* Skip dessert unless it is healthy – most desserts are not healthy
* Whole fruit is better than juice – fiber moderates glycemic spike
* Eat fruit and vegetables with every meal
* Enjoy your food – savor the look, taste, smell, texture
* Have at least 1 bowel movement a day – (fruits and veggies)
* Whole grains
* Do what works for you – everyone is different
* Reward yourself – new outfit for your smaller size
* Want it – make it a strong desire to lose fat / weight
* No HFCS – High Fructose Corn Syrup – unhealthy sweetner
* Set realistic weightloss goals – 2 to 3 pounds per week
* Get adequate nutrition – supplement with a natural multivitamin/mineral
* Get a decent scale
* Take before and after pictures (maybe some in between)
* Read “Power Aging” by Gary Null PhD
* Build more muscle – weight training or other strenuous activity
* Don’t compare yourself to anyone else
* Hypnosis / self hypnosis may work for you
* Find an exercise / activity partner
* Fill your subconscious mind with positive subliminal messages
* Mix it up – your diet and exercise
* Beware of the “foo foo” drink – Lattes, frappucinos, caramel coolers…
* Before you indulge, ask yourself, is it worth it

Some of these diet tips to lose weight fast are probably foreign to you. They buck the traditional bad advice of the mainstream media and medical doctors. Remember – eggs are bad (cholesterol) – wait, now eggs are good again, butter is bad – margarine is good – now butter is good again and margarine is bad (trans-fat). Salt is bad (sodium chloride is bad), natural sea salt is not only good for you, it is absolutely necessary for life! Remember lard (animal fat) is bad, vegetable oils are good – NOPE, another complete reversal – vegetable oil throws off the Omega 3/6/9 balance. If you have been following their advice, your health will be suffering. Notice how heart disease has continued to climb despite all our “food science” ? How about another “brainchild” idea – we have an iodine shortage in our American diet which can cause hypothyroidism among other problems, lets supplement table salt with iodine, then tell everybody to avoid salt – what sense does that make?

As a general rule, the less man messes with a food, the healthier that food is. Somehow “scientists” think they can out do our creator and “improve” upon foods. It is getting scarier with genetically modified foods (Frankenfoods). Microwaves are another “advance” in science – there is controversy over their safety. I personally use them as little as possible, something about vibrating the atomic structure of the food does not appeal to me.

There appears to be many factors that affect weight gain (fat in this case):

* More calories consumed than needed
* Hypothyroidism (slow metabolism) caused by many of the below mentioned “advances”
* Medications altering our bodies
* Frankenfoods – fake fats, fake sugars, GMO – Genetically Modified Organisms
* Chemicals throwing off bodily processes – pesticides, herbicides, preservatives, artificial colorings, antibiotics, steroids in animals, pharmaceuticals in our drinking water, mercury in our fillings in our teeth!

Those are some of the culprits of weight loss difficulty. Now you know what to avoid or minimize your exposure to. Eat organic whenever you can and avoid the hormones and antibiotics. Re-stock your gut with probiotics either via supplements or fermented foods (sauerkraut, kimchee, cheeses, yogurt, kefir, raw milk…). Get a water filter for your sink and your shower (or whole house). Basically stay close to nature and your body will function as it is supposed to / divinely designed.

If you apply one of the above weight loss tips, you will make progress towards your goal of fast weight loss / fast fat loss. Apply many of the above diet tips and your fat loss will increase exponentially. Keep in mind, food is life – don’t abuse it.

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